Korean Webtoons Wiki

정구미 ('Koomi Jeong), pen name 노란구미 (Yellow Koomi/Yellow Gumi), introduces herself as a “2.5-generation Korean-Japanese” webcartoonist. Her father is a second-generation Korean-Japanese and her mother is Korean. Yellow Koomi lived in Japan until she moved to South Korea in the year 2000. She majored in Japanese art when she lived in Japan, and majored in design at HongIk University in Korea.

Most of Yellow Koomi’s works are based on her experiences as a 2.5-generation Korean-Japanese. Yellow Koomi uploaded her webcomics about her family’s experiences as Korean residents in Japan on her website. In 2005, she published her autobiographical comicbook, 한국,일본 이야기 (Korea, Japan Story). She started publishing her webtoon 돈까스 취업 (Donkatsu Job Seeking) on Daum. Donkatsu Job Seeking is based on Yellow Koomi’s experience as a 취업생 (a student seeking for a job) trying to get a job in a Japanese toy company, Bandai.

She published a webcomic called Hina the Brat Cat, a comic based on her experiences of owning a cat.

Yellow Koomi also published a webcomic about her wedding preparation, 내가 결혼할 때까지 (Till I Get Married) on Naver, in 2009. Yellow Koomi’s husband, 블랙남자 (Black Guy) – his nickname coming from the fact that he used to wear black clothes everyday – often appears in Yellow Koomi’s webcomics. Black Guy has been revising the spelling and grammar of Yellow Koomi’s webcomics for a long time, and his unique personality often inspires Yellow Koomi.

Yellow Koomi’s most recent webcomic is 세개의 시간 (The Three Times), which she has been publishing on Naver since 2008. The Three Times is Yellow Koomi’s third webcomic of her “Korean-Japanese project.” The Three Times a fictional webcomic about college students, which is focused on how people communicate in an international society. The title implies the theme of the webcomic- how people understand each other’s past, face the future together, and live the present.


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